Letter to judge Sarah Wallace Colorado 05 November 2023


To:  Honorable Sarah B Wallace

1437 Bannock St

Room 256

Denver, Colorado 80202

Judge Wallace,

It is within the realm of possibility that the applicability of the 14th amendment to D. Trump and his allies might be a deciding factor to the question:  Will our nation continue to exist as a democracy?  There are two points presented here.

First: What is the evidence there was fraud in the 2020 election?  This question has not been asked by the media.  It has not been directly raised in any courts that I am aware of.  It has not been presented in any speeches by established politicians.  Yet it is pivotal. If he and/or his legal team were directly asked to provide evidence, everything he and his allies say about the 2020 election would be shown false.  In open court.  This would be an enormously important event for this country.

Second: Professors William Baude and Michael Paulsen have written a 126 page position paper on the 14th amendment and its applicability to Trump.  It can be found SSRN dot com, Social Sciences Research Network.  If you don’t have the paper, visit the site and search for “baude.”  Said paper was first in my search.  The abstract on page 1 is significant and enclosed.  It should not go unstated that many others have written to this same conclusion.  I further venture to state that there are few papers in opposition.

Thank you for your time and patience,